The NDIS can be a very confusing place, even for those who have been within it for a while. You can choose a trusted person who can help you navigate the maze.

Applying for the NDIS can be very confusing for anyone but what happens when you finally get a plan? You need to know how to find providers and how to pay them. You also need to make sure you are using your plan ‘correctly’ so you don’t get in trouble with the NDIS. Then there’s having to talk to the NDIS and understanding their language. There’s a lot to learn and understand!

If you need someone to help you with all things NDIS, and you’re over 18, you can appoint a Person with Consent, or a Nominee.

Giving Consent to Deal with the NDIA

You can give permission to someone you trust to speak with the NDIS on your behalf. The NDIS can’t talk to anyone else about your plan unless they have your permission. If you give someone consent, they can talk to the NDIS about your funding or your support needs for example.

Consent can be given to one or more people, like your family members. You can also give consent to an organisation, like your support coordination provider. There are different types of consent you can give:

  • Sharing personal information
  • Sharing NDIS specific information – like funding, reports, copies of plans
  • Making changes – to your address and phone number for example
  • Doing things for you – asking for changes to your plan, making complaints to the NDIA, or providing reports.

Your consent can be ongoing (it doesn’t end) or for a certain time. If it’s ongoing and you don’t want that person having consent anymore, you need to let the NDIA know.

You can give consent to someone verbally, by calling the NDIA and telling them who you want to give consent to. There is also a form you can fill out – see the link below. If you have a support coordinator or recovery coach, they may already have asked you to fill one out for them.

Once you have given consent to someone, the NDIA will list that information on your file. You can then see who has consent, and what type of consent they have. It’s a good idea to check this regularly (maybe when you get a new plan) and update it with the NDIA if you need to.

Having a Nominee

A Nominee has consent to deal with the NDIA for you, just like a Person with Consent does. But a nominee can also do more things on your behalf, depending on what powers you give them.

Correspondence Nominees:

  • Can talk to the NDIA about you and your plan.
  • Will be sent copies of letters that the NDIA might send out about you and your plan.

Plan Nominees:

  • Can choose how to use your funds.
  • Can request changes to your plan.
  • Can also be your correspondence nominee.

You can decide what you want your nominee to be able to do on your behalf, and let the NDIA know. Like a person with consent, you can decide how long you want the person to be your nominee for.

Who can be my Nominee?

You can choose anyone to be your nominee who you think will always act in your best interests. They must be over 18 years old and need to agree to the rules that the NDIA will discuss with them. The NDIA will ask them questions to make sure they are the best nominee for you. They will also let them know what their responsibilities are and ask them to agree to those.

If you already have an appointed guardian, they can also apply to be your nominee.

You need to let the NDIA know if you want someone to be your nominee. You can do this by talking with your support coordinator or local area coordinator. You can also contact the NDIA on the phone or by email.